A new shipment of bunnies has arrived at One World Projects just in time for your spring events.  Sales of these exquisite bunnies support a group of families from the Philippines.  Using abaca fiber, nito vine, and other sustainable materials, these beautiful native handcrafts create a livelihood for the families’ day-to-day needs, lessen the poverty in their community, and strengthen family ties.

In addition, 35% of the purchase price goes to the Temple of Compassion to support the day-to-day needs of the ashram.

The bunnies, along with their clothing and baskets, are made from the abaca plant.  This is a sustainable plant that is used to minimize erosion along coastal areas, preventing landslides and increasing breeding places for fish. The waste materials are also used as an organic fertilizer.

For more information and to adopt these adorable bunnies just http:Follow This Link!