Last weekend Rajani Ramachandran from the Austin Kriya Center shared her knowledge and excellent teaching skills with a group of kriyavans hungry to learn how to cook delicious and nutritious satvic Indian food.
Rajani Ma demystified the process, ingredients and how to get that amazing flavor.
Along with three guided meditations a day, participants learned how to make Indian breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, and desert dishes that all support the satvic quality – food that helps us with mental and emotional balance and gives us a more spiritual attitude and outlook. They also took lots of notes, ate amazing food, and left with a notebook full of recipes.
For more information about satvic food, and all things Ayurveda, join us for our next Weekend Workshop on Ayurveda by Leah Jones, June 7-9, 2019. Watch your inbox for a link to register.
For questions, as always, email us at