by TempleOfCompassion | Jun 9, 2017 | Adopt a Project, Aquaponics and Farming
It’s June 2017, and we’re still cracking and shelling pecans from 2016! What a blessing to have the trees and the loving hands and hearts that transform them into a divine feast.
by TempleOfCompassion | Jun 8, 2017 | General News and Updates
Completion of the geodesic dome is in sight now! The dome was donated by the Austin Kriya Yoga Center, and will become an important centerpiece at the Temple of Compassion ashram. What an amazing project!
by TempleOfCompassion | Apr 18, 2017 | General News and Updates
Rishi and Karuna’s lovely abode is nearly complete. See progress photos from the start until now at the cowshed project page.
by TempleOfCompassion | Apr 16, 2017 | General News and Updates
Temple of Compassion has its own raised bed gardens with swiss chard, tomatoes, cilantro, tulsi, yellow squash, and zucchini. But Mother Nature provides an even more impressive bounty that requires only going for a walk on this beautiful property and observing what...
by TempleOfCompassion | Apr 8, 2017 | General News and Updates
One World Projects has received beautiful note cards from the ladies of Artes Comasagua in El Salvador. The cards are made with hand-picked flaura and fauna, they dried and painstakingly glued to pre-designed cards. These cards sell fast. So, order soon! Use this...